Thursday, 16 April 2009

10 minute workout!

There is nothing like a good workout to clear the mind and see things in a different light. And as much as your body needs that workout sometimes you can benefit from giving your designs a little exercise.

I'm talking about automation. Flexing the processing power of your computer and letting it take some of the workload away from you.

The first problem is to understand the tools available to you. But finding the time to learn new tools can be difficult.

We have many tutorials available for learning DriveWorksXpress. But you still need to set aside an hour or so to go through them. Some may not have that hour to dedicate, so over the next few days I am going to break that time down into 10 minute slots.

10 minutes of work out time that you can pick up and put down with ease, without affecting your workload.

These work outs will be totally unrelated to any specific product; they are just intended to give you an insight into how to control your models.

So grab a coffee, open your lunch box and let's get exercising!!

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