Thursday, 4 December 2008

Overriding Master Name

I briefly mentioned the use of the asterisk or wild card symbol in my last post, but I thought this was worthy of a post all of its own.
DriveWorksXpress makes use of the asterisk on the File Name parameter only. DriveWorks (the full version) makes use of it in many other areas.
The asterisk must appear at the very start of any result the rule equates to. What comes after the asterisk will be used as the name of the model.
Because the asterisk is treated as text it must be encased in quotes. Also remember to use the & symbol to string text inputs and values together.

Having a master model named Outer Frame for example, your rule would appear as the following: -

To apply a form value = "*" & Width

To add the original name as a suffix = "*" & Width & "Outer Frame"

To give the new part a part number (100) and include a form value = "*" & 100 & Width

To include a calculation = "*" & IF(Width>1000," Large" , " Small")

We have previously discussed why parts cannot have the same name as assemblies; the same applies for the clones automatically produced by DriveWorksXpress. When overriding the master name there is the danger that the result of the rule applied could match that of another component being produced that is meant to be a different name. Be careful.

One last thing to mention is that this does not apply to drawings. Drawing will take the original name and have the result of the rule appended to the name. There is much greater control over drawing names in DriveWorks.

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